23 Oct
23 Oct
7:08 a.m.
If my guess is correct this patch should also solve the 'Invalid value for this field 'skip'' which Eldon Griffiths wrote about in users list.
Tnx Ron!
73 de IZ3GME Marco
On 22/10/2014 12:19, Ron Wellsted wrote:
# HG changeset patch # User Ron Wellsted ron@wellsted.org.uk # Date 1413972610 -3600 # Wed Oct 22 11:10:10 2014 +0100 # Node ID bd1d2bac911911051c0a7b7f345cb6a0eba58ea7 # Parent 3f6e7bfb2dba87c820233356736509732de3a2cb Bug #1973 - Wouxun KG-UV8D import from data source Changes to correct the above bug. Problem was due to wrong memory item name and an assumption about the length of certain fields.