Hi Marco,
Might this link be of interest to you as you move on to the FT-897?
Looks like he's already happy with your work on the FT-817 :)
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Yaesu FT-897D support Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 23:42:07 -0800 From: Emil Sarlija vk3naf@gmail.com Reply-To: Emil Sarlija vk3naf@gmail.com To: undisclosed-recipients:;
* Project: CHIRP http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp
Hi Dan,
I found a site that may be useful should you be considering including support for the FT-897D:
All the important stuff is under the "Yaesu FT-897D Internals" link.
I have an FT-897D and would be happy to do some testing should there be a need. I also have an Icom IC-746 so should there be experimental support for that I'd be happy to do testing as well.
Many thanks, Emil - VK3NAF
PS - I've been using the latest daily build under LinuxMint and it works wonderfully with my Yaesu VX-3R and FT-817ND. Excellent work!
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