On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 5:10 AM, Michael Rand 4z1mr.n7npr@gmail.com wrote:
I purchased a Baofeng model UV-8HX. I do NOT see it listed among the rigs you support. This is a brand new Baofeng model. When will I be able to use Chirp to program it?
Mike, 4z1mr/n7npr
Hi Mike,
After a quick google search it appears that the UV-8HX is just another BF-F8HP variant.
Radioreference: http://forums.radioreference.com/budget-entry-level-transceivers/312528-baof...
Youtube: https://youtu.be/PVDsDha-jeM
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Baofeng/comments/3ir3xt/baofeng_uv8hx_just_a_rebran...
CHIRP will probably support it as soon as you select "BF-F8HP" as the model in a recent CHIRP daily build. Let us know if it does so it can be added to the growing list of BF-F8HP variants.