Hi Dan
Note that it's very unconventional to send a merge changeset like this to a maintainer in email. Since my tree already has those changes, it won't apply for me. This is because you're committing changes directly to your tree and pulling from the repository, which is fine but has this other little snag.
Ops ... I'm sorry ...
Anyway, I'll fix and apply these patches as they are this time. Are we confident that the 857 driver is ready? I haven't seen a report from anyone else (David?) that they have been successful and I don't have an 857 to test with.
I think that we need to wait someone (other then me) to test it before applying the patches to the repository, just to be sure that is not my radio the only one that works ;) I'm sorry but I'm a little sick due to a flu so there will be a little delay. I hope to be able to work on missing things in a day or two.
73 de IZ3GME Marco